Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Xbox is apparently the future of education

I first off want to say that was a pretty sweet presentation you boys pulled off. I agree that video games should be incoperated into class. Not only can they be benificial in a gym class setting, but also in a homeroom class such as social studies. So many students are playing videos games in their spare time. For a lot of these children it might be their only extra curriculur activity, which is a little sad.

I was pretty impressed with the new xbox project natal even though there were some haters in the classroom (Kelso). I thought that was the coolest thing to have a remote free video gaming system. Me and Dan have been boxing for the past two months and it is an awesome workout. I thought at the start of the video where the kid fights that ninja guy could become a great cardio work out. Also the skateboarding part of the YouTube video would also be a great cardio workout. It is way better than children just sitting on the couch playing TonyHawk (even though we have all done it).

Video games are here to stay and teachers have to get use to students playing them instead of doing their homework. If teachers can somehow incoperate videogames into the lesson plan there is potential for increasing the students learning production.



    Video games are the future. People make fun of me for being a 26 year old male with mad video game skills. But I have connected with students during student teaching placements because they hear that I am an avid gamer. If we can use video games in the classroom I think we can get students excited about education.

  2. Hey Skinner,
    First of all video games are sweet. I think that it would be awesome to incorporate video games into the classroom, because the students would really get into the subject information. I talked about SimCity in my blog, but I think Xbox 360 games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 could be used in a World Issues class because it is all about terrorist groups and competition between countries for power. I think that students would definitely be able to make connections with the video game and perhaps they could write a paper about whether or not the events in the game are plausible!

    Go Avs!

