Thursday, February 25, 2010

This world is Crazy

That last presentation on ICT in the classroom was sick. Darren Kuropatwa and his partner were awesome. The entire presentation was really cool. I liked how they Incorporated a PowerPoint style but it was mostly video with very little words on the slides.

Sometimes I feel like a little kid just wanting to see some videos, but after awhile of watching presentations where there are slides after slides of information it becomes overwhelming. I thought the metaphors were really good. The wolves one especially made sense to me. Our technology is moving so quick and is now controlling us instead of us controlling it. As soon as I got home from class today the first thing I did was check my facebook instead of getting my lunch ready. It is sad I know, I just can't help it right now.

The last thing I want to mention is how cool this blogging idea was. I was kind of against at the start because I didn't see how it could benefit me or my students, I was wrong. I love because I can do it from my room on my own time. Students will love the freedom this gives them of writing whenever they want and also about anything they want. It was a big hit for me and I plan on using it in my classroom.
Awesome idea Mike!


  1. Skinner, i am pretty choked i missed this presentation. from what I hear it was very entertaining. I totally agree with your statement about how technology is controlling us. Pretty much everything is run by a computer now adays. hopefully they dont switch to cyber teachers so we still have a career in the future.

  2. Skinny, good wrap up before the suck up. Yes that presentation was intense. Are you worried about wolfram alpha? I think it could really make things harder for educators, but maybe it will be a sweet resource to, especially for the teacher who gets thrown into math with no idea. The teacher can use wolf ram to learn how to solve those equations before they are given to the students.
    Later Slinky

  3. Lots of good points Riley!

    At first I was a little unsure about the blogging as well! But I really like it now, because yes, I can do it from home! I also like seeing what my peers think of the presentations in class.

    I am also choked I missed the presentation on Wendnesday! I heard mixed reviews from you guys, some saying they liked it, some not so much!
