Wednesday, January 13, 2010

John Evans Epic Words

John had some awesome points, and some even awesomemer jokes (if that makes sense). After his discussion I realized how many tools are at the teachers hands. The website literacy with ict was a beauty and provided myself with a lot of links.

Classroom 2.0 seemed like a great site to join up with when we become professional teachers. It provides a great support community for begginer teachers and also experienced teachers to meet up and share ideas on technology and everything else.

He also warns us about becoming overwhelmed with the technology and trying to choose websites. An excellent piece of information he delivered to us was choose one website and play around with it before trying to move onto another one. Make sure your intersted with the website first of course. The Rss site he showed us that links us to educators around the world was a great find, I can bounce ideas off of other educators and get some new ideas and tips.

Also the was a good piece of information ctrl + to make the screen larger, thats always helpful!


  1. I agree with Riley, John’s is very knowledgeable about the internet. I didn’t realize how many tools a teacher could have. I think he achieved his goal because towards the end of the class the information was dripping from my ears.
    As Riley says Classroom 2.0 is a good site to join. A beginner teacher could really benefit by sharing the ideas and having support from other teachers.

  2. His presentation was pretty good. He knew a lot about different tools that teachers could use and the different networks you can make. i dont think that there was one site that you couldn't somehow use for your class out of the ones that he showed to us.

  3. I would have to agree with you Riley I really think that that their are many websites out there and focusing on a select few is more benifical than trying to look at all the different websites. Classroom 2.0 is definalty something teachers in the same teachables can join in order to resourse and develop some interesting ideas. I think its a great idea and its something all new teachers should definatly look into
