Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Virtual World in your classroom

It was lucky enough to hear another wicked presentation in class by none other than Dr. Glen Gatin. Dr. Gatin really opened my eyes to the program called Second Life. I kind of heard about Second Life before on the television show The Office. I always thought it was just a game to played kind of like World of War Craft or just another role playing game. He explained that it is more just a game and that students can use this world to explore information and learn more than they every could in the classroom.

It's a great way for students to socially interact with one another when they can't in person and for a lot of northern and remote communities this could be very benificial. It can also serve as a virtual museum for students. They are able to see different worlds and artifacts that they wouldn't be able to see if it wasn't for the virtual world that second life provides. It also covers all the aspects of the Manitoba curriculum: programming for the sciences, communication for the social sciences, and its just good time educational time all around. You can also have discussions and debates in Second Life that your students could participate in. Like it said on the YouTube video schools such as Harvard host live debates, now how cool would it be as a class to sit in on one of those!

Second Life seems like a great educational tool that you can bring into the classroom. Teachers and students will benifit from all it has to offers. Students will also be learning education material without even realizing it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Elluminate Live is Awesome

Sorry it took so long for me to put my blog up I just lost track of time checking my ess readers. That presentation on Wednesday by Alec was amazing.

Elluminate Live is an awesome tool that could be used in so many benificial ways. I was in Distance Education my first year of University and the technology has improved so much since than. Being able to show youtube videos during the presentation was really impressive espcially the one with the bubbles, that was awesome!

This type of technology would be awesome in northern communities where there resources could be limited, they could offer more classess through this approach and students would benifit from this greatly. It is a great way for different communities and schools to link up with one another and share their ideas.
This type of technology is so useful in the classroom and I could see myself using this to connect with classrooms across the globe sharing ideas with one another.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

John Evans Epic Words

John had some awesome points, and some even awesomemer jokes (if that makes sense). After his discussion I realized how many tools are at the teachers hands. The website literacy with ict was a beauty and provided myself with a lot of links.

Classroom 2.0 seemed like a great site to join up with when we become professional teachers. It provides a great support community for begginer teachers and also experienced teachers to meet up and share ideas on technology and everything else.

He also warns us about becoming overwhelmed with the technology and trying to choose websites. An excellent piece of information he delivered to us was choose one website and play around with it before trying to move onto another one. Make sure your intersted with the website first of course. The Rss site he showed us that links us to educators around the world was a great find, I can bounce ideas off of other educators and get some new ideas and tips.

Also the was a good piece of information ctrl + to make the screen larger, thats always helpful!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My name is Riley Skinner and this is my second year in the Brandon Education program. I am really enjoying myself here in Brandon, since I come from a smaller town (Portage la Prairie) attractions like the bowling alley really apeal to me.
My major is History and my minor is Native Studies. I would really like to teach in Winnipeg or the surrounding area because I like big cities and I would be closer to my family.
Thats all I have for today and I look forward to blogging you later.